Straightline Utility Vehicles
155 Glendeer Cir SE Suite LM3, Calgary, AB, T2H 2S8


The Straightline Utility Vehicles Team
Straightline Utility Vehicles has over 20 years experience in the automotive industry selling German vehicles. SUVs Calgary specializes in low kilometer German vehicles with great specifications. We source Audi, BMW, Porsche, Mercedes and Volkswagen primarily but also deal in all other brands for your convenience. We are AMVIC Registered in the province of Alberta for your peace of mind.

Our business is largely built on referrals -- so putting you into the perfect car at the right price is always in our best interest. We love cars, they're our passion. They have been from the day we started but as much as the cars, we love the people that drive them and we love handing these people the keys to just the right one. For us, it's never been about making quotas or moving metal. It's about building relationships with our clients, as we strive to fit the perfect car to the client, instead of the other way around.

We don't want to sell you a car. We want to help you find one.

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